Saturday 5 November 2016

8 Facts in The World

1. When you jump on or in a train you don't move backward. But if you jump out of the train , you move backward.

2.The faster we move , the slower we get old

3. The whole Human Being can be squeezed into the size of a sugar cube

4.On of the atoms you breathe in and out once were the atoms breathe out by Marilyn Monroe

5.Time Travel is Possible

6. Perhaps one of the atoms in your body is once part of an elephant

7. When we speak , we are actually saying codes that are easily interpreted by our brain which one who doesn't understand the language interpret as code he don't know

8. Religion and the laws of physics may be related to each other 

Since all of them are true , we will discuss them scientifically and Comceptually
by the following post.Starting from the first one. 

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Living things

1. Cell
A. History and Definition
Cell is the smallest unit of measure in living things. Cell is made of its organs which we call cell organelles . Cell was first discovered by Robert Hooke when he had invented the microscope and observed a cork's cell. He realized that the cork was made of many cells. 

After Hooke's discovery was made into a report . Matthias schleiden and Schwann discovered animals and plants cell.

After scientist's had observed many kind of cell . Nowadays , we can learn them very easily.

B. Organ of a Cell
Cells are made of 7 organs in common and some additions for plants and animal cell.
The common 8 organs  are:
1. Nucleus
The nucleus is the brain of the cell it controls everything that happens in the cell.
 The nucleus are made of :
A. Nucleoplasm
The liquid inside a nucleus

B. Nucleolus
Also called as little nucleus

C. Kromosome
A kind of very tiny string that contains genes

2. Sitoplasm
The liquid inside a cell, 

3.cell membrane
A membrane that covers the cell and in animal cells control th object that leave and enter a cell

4. Reticulum endoplasm
An organelle that produces protein with the help of rybosom

5.golgy body
An organelle that changes the packages sent by the reticulum endoplasm into other form of chemical.

A cell organelle uses in producing energy and respiration

The main food supply of a cell . It is bigger on plant cells and smaller on animal cells.

Tissues are a group of cell of the same function that work together to do bigger work.

There are many kind of tissues , you can read them on my future release post : TISSUES.

3. Organ
Organ are group of tissues that have different function and work together to do bigger jobs

4.organ system
Organ system are group of different organ that work together. A organ system work is bigger than organ.

5. At last the combination of many system organs will form living things

Saturday 8 August 2015


Nowadays ,we do many things in our life and Everything we does requires energy . 

Energy is something that we need to do work and activities. Energy can be grouped into some groups:

1. heat Energy 
It is something we have always used to heat ourselves up and usually released by sources of light energy.

2.light Energy
Light energy is a type of energy that have given our eyes the ability to see . Light energy are found on things that give out light , and almost all of light energy sources also releases heat energy

3.Kinetic Energy
This is a kind of energy that is found on moving things or things that have velocity.mathematically we write as;

Kinetic Energy=0.5 x M x v x v

Where M is mass and v is velocity

4.electrical energy
A kind of energy that we use very much nowadays to power up our electronic things .

5.atomic energy
Energy that is stored within a thing's atom . If this energy is accumulated in big amount. It can create disastrous consequences if it isn't use correctly .e.g. Nuclear bomb. 
Mathematically if all mass is about to turn into energy , we write it as:


Where M is mass and C is the speed of light. 
That formula is created by Albert Einstein

6. Potential energy
An energy stored in a thing or an energy that is gained by things because of its position. Potential energy is divided into 3 large group:

A. Potential gravity energy
An energy stored by a thing because of its position, usually things that Is in higher position will have higher potential energy

B.potential chemical energy
An energy stored in things because the existence of chemical in that thing. 

C.potential elastic energy
An energy stored in things because of their elasticity and how far they are stretched 

That is all I can tell you. If you see any tense mistake or other mistakes , you may send it to

Finally , I apologize for any problems and inconvenience cause by my writing and tenses

Saturday 27 September 2014

theory of relativity part 3

3. Lorentz Transformation
If you see a train with people inside walking with the same direction as the train. People may conclude that the total speed of the speed is equal to  people speed + train speed but actually it’s not that simple.(sorry i don't have the graph but just refer to the conclusion)

x=    (x'-yt ) x 𝜸
Z=Z                y=Y'                     𝜸=square root of 1-V square and C square

So the speed acquired Is

Lorentz length Contraction
Moving things look shorter but why? It’s because the light reflected by the thing is reflected by all part of things mainly things that is moving very fast . imagine sitting in a train with speed of  0.8 c so do you think you will see anything? The answer is yes or no, you can see the things inside by inside’s light but you can’t see things outside as no light can be reflected or arrive at your eye as you are relative to a train moving at 1c speed that makes all light that com to the train was dodged by the train because of its speed . Lorentz mathematically made this as

L=L0 x 𝜸 

Theory of relativity part 2

A.    Causes of Different result
The dilation of time is one of the cause of different results. But why?
 If we make a clock with 2s= time needed for light to go up and down on the mirror with the range between them (300.000 km) which make 1s = time needed for it to go only up or down but when it comes to movement

The range that the like need to travel to get 1s become longer as it was inclinated so it could hit the next moving board . it was mathematically formulated as :

.t= t0  × 1/ lorentz ,  lorentz= 1/square root of 1-V square /C square where c square i the speed of light squared

In the equation C.C was used as a barrier to limit the v .v the square root are used because the V and C are squared. The 1 is to take the rest the speed doesn’t conquer.

To continue to the next chapter we ned to learn about the relative stuff. WE are relative to the earth , earth are relative to the solar system , the solar system are relative to the milky way galaxy , the milky way are relative to the galaxy system. Etc.

special Theory Of Relativity Part 1

A. The core of special relativity

The special relativity suggest that observers that observe same kind of Objects may have different results because their observing ways or because of their position is different . (doesn’t work when position and way of seeing is the same)

From the statement above we can conclude that different observers will have different observing results and observing reports. The special relativity states everything that can cause different in results .

For example :

If we have a truck moving uniformly in a straight line (v=40m/s). in the truck back someone are playing baseball (v ball =150m/s). one of the observer is measuring the speed of baseball from a piece of ground near the truck while one more is measuring the speed of baseball from the back of truck and is moving with the truck. What is the result that the observers may get ? give the reason in a simple way!

If we see from observer 1 in the ground , he might get the result ofit may conclude Obsever 1 will calculate the speed of baseball + speed of truck ( Baseball is relative to the truck).

Observer B will see the baseball moving only 150m/s as observer b is relative to the truck so it calculates only the speed of the ball not the truck + the ball.
Conclusion: Different observer may cause Different Result

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Arrowhead Orb Weaver

Category: Spider
Common name: Arrowhead Orb Weaver
Scientific Name: Verrucosa arenata
Other Names: Triangulate Orbweaver
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Arachnida
Ordo: Araneae 
Family: Araneidae  
Genus: Verrucosa  
Species: Verrucosa arenata
Adult Size (Length): 5mm to 6mm
Identifying Colors: red; brown; yellow; white; pink
General Description: pointy, arrow, triangle, patch, tucked, venomous