Showing posts with label Chemistry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chemistry. Show all posts

Friday, 1 August 2014

Atomic power

     atom , i guess you have known what is atom but if you haven't know let me tell you.

Atom is the smallest part of every object , 2 or more atom made up molecules . Atom are made up of kuarks .

Atomic power , its just an itsy bitsy thing is it very strong?

Eg. Nuclear is made up of just.      Uranium and plutonium but it can blow hiroshima .

So atom do have big powers eh?

According to Einstein even things with small mass could have very big energy . Just like the formula

E=MC square

Nuclear have big power because the uranium was impact by neutron that produce 3 neutron , barium and kripton . This process happened over and over until it produces lots of atom that can blow up the whole city .

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Radium , cancer killer radiator

Radium, maybe this name is still weird for you actually it is a type of radioactive material created from Uranium.

RAdium created by curie couple which are both chemistry proffessor , they created 0.1 g Radium with 100kg of Uranium but after it the sell those Radium with a cheap price and help people who suffer from cancer heal .

Radium has a very high radioactive , it kills the cancer tumor  by only a hit of its radioactive because of the invention of this they got the noble prize in chemistry.

now Radium is used to heal people that suffer cancers through its radiation , although it has some side effects but it is still used by many people to heal cancer.

Saturday, 14 June 2014


ferrofluid (portmanteau of ferromagnetic and fluid) is a liquid that becomes strongly magnetized in the presence of a magnetic field. Ferrofluid was invented in 1963 by NASA's Steve Papell as a liquid rocket fuel that could be drawn toward a pump inlet in a weightless environment by applying a magnetic field. 

Ferrofluid has been submersed in sugar water. Sugar has been added to increase the density of the water to the point where the ferrofluid appears weightless

Ferrofluids are colloidal liquids made of nanoscale ferromagnetic, orferrimagnetic, particles suspended in a carrier fluid (usually an organic solvent or water). Each tiny particle is thoroughly coated with asurfactant to inhibit clumping. Large ferromagnetic particles can be ripped out of the homogeneous colloidal mixture, forming a separate clump of magnetic dust when exposed to strong magnetic fields. The magnetic attraction of nanoparticles is weak enough that the surfactant's Van der Waals force is sufficient to prevent magnetic clumping oragglomeration. Ferrofluids usually[2] do not retain magnetization in the absence of an externally applied field and thus are often classified as "superparamagnets" rather than ferromagnets[citation needed][3]

The difference between ferrofluids and magnetorheological fluids (MR fluids) is the size of the particles. The particles in a ferrofluid primarily consist of nanoparticles which aresuspended by Brownian motion and generally will not settle under normal conditions. MR fluid particles primarily consist of micrometre-scale particles which are too heavy for Brownian motion to keep them suspended, and thus will settle over time because of the inherent density difference between the particle and its carrier fluid. These two fluids have very different applications as a result. Ferrofluid is a liquid that contain magnetic particles . These magnetic particles are accurately 10 NM in size . In case this fluid could be made a pretty decoration controlled by magnet