Saturday 5 November 2016

8 Facts in The World

1. When you jump on or in a train you don't move backward. But if you jump out of the train , you move backward.

2.The faster we move , the slower we get old

3. The whole Human Being can be squeezed into the size of a sugar cube

4.On of the atoms you breathe in and out once were the atoms breathe out by Marilyn Monroe

5.Time Travel is Possible

6. Perhaps one of the atoms in your body is once part of an elephant

7. When we speak , we are actually saying codes that are easily interpreted by our brain which one who doesn't understand the language interpret as code he don't know

8. Religion and the laws of physics may be related to each other 

Since all of them are true , we will discuss them scientifically and Comceptually
by the following post.Starting from the first one. 

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