Showing posts with label Astronomy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Astronomy. Show all posts

Saturday, 27 September 2014

theory of relativity part 3

3. Lorentz Transformation
If you see a train with people inside walking with the same direction as the train. People may conclude that the total speed of the speed is equal to  people speed + train speed but actually it’s not that simple.(sorry i don't have the graph but just refer to the conclusion)

x=    (x'-yt ) x 𝜸
Z=Z                y=Y'                     𝜸=square root of 1-V square and C square

So the speed acquired Is

Lorentz length Contraction
Moving things look shorter but why? It’s because the light reflected by the thing is reflected by all part of things mainly things that is moving very fast . imagine sitting in a train with speed of  0.8 c so do you think you will see anything? The answer is yes or no, you can see the things inside by inside’s light but you can’t see things outside as no light can be reflected or arrive at your eye as you are relative to a train moving at 1c speed that makes all light that com to the train was dodged by the train because of its speed . Lorentz mathematically made this as

L=L0 x 𝜸 

Theory of relativity part 2

A.    Causes of Different result
The dilation of time is one of the cause of different results. But why?
 If we make a clock with 2s= time needed for light to go up and down on the mirror with the range between them (300.000 km) which make 1s = time needed for it to go only up or down but when it comes to movement

The range that the like need to travel to get 1s become longer as it was inclinated so it could hit the next moving board . it was mathematically formulated as :

.t= t0  × 1/ lorentz ,  lorentz= 1/square root of 1-V square /C square where c square i the speed of light squared

In the equation C.C was used as a barrier to limit the v .v the square root are used because the V and C are squared. The 1 is to take the rest the speed doesn’t conquer.

To continue to the next chapter we ned to learn about the relative stuff. WE are relative to the earth , earth are relative to the solar system , the solar system are relative to the milky way galaxy , the milky way are relative to the galaxy system. Etc.

special Theory Of Relativity Part 1

A. The core of special relativity

The special relativity suggest that observers that observe same kind of Objects may have different results because their observing ways or because of their position is different . (doesn’t work when position and way of seeing is the same)

From the statement above we can conclude that different observers will have different observing results and observing reports. The special relativity states everything that can cause different in results .

For example :

If we have a truck moving uniformly in a straight line (v=40m/s). in the truck back someone are playing baseball (v ball =150m/s). one of the observer is measuring the speed of baseball from a piece of ground near the truck while one more is measuring the speed of baseball from the back of truck and is moving with the truck. What is the result that the observers may get ? give the reason in a simple way!

If we see from observer 1 in the ground , he might get the result ofit may conclude Obsever 1 will calculate the speed of baseball + speed of truck ( Baseball is relative to the truck).

Observer B will see the baseball moving only 150m/s as observer b is relative to the truck so it calculates only the speed of the ball not the truck + the ball.
Conclusion: Different observer may cause Different Result

Saturday, 19 July 2014


Scientists found a rock planet in this universe that looks like the earth. It is made up of rock and has approximately 20 times the diameter of Earth. Scientists said this planet cannot be true having a great size and made up of rock . However truth says that it really happens.
Image result for the mega earththe MEGA EARTH is revoluting kepler-10 star in the draco constellation around 500 light years from earth.