Showing posts with label micro organisms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label micro organisms. Show all posts

Saturday, 6 September 2014

THE HIV virus

HIV virus

The hiv virus have been troubling doctors and scientists for years . they have been finding its medicine for years, but all they found is deactivator of that virus . the deactivator only deactivates all visible  hiv viruses not the one in cell . so to understand WHY? We need to know more about hiv first

HIV virus is virus that attacks the human immune system mainly cell t . Cell t activates the other immune system so if cell t is inactive ,the immune system will be unavailable for war which make the patient easily suffer other disease. AIDS, the disease that HIV causes is very dangerous for every living thing as it destroy the immune system

How it attack
it attack the cell t , turns its RNA into DNA then when the cell t duplicates, it duplicates too so the more the hiv virus are in the body then it slowly eats the cell t from inside and destroy the cell . This happen until the system of immune is completely destroyed.

How it transfer
It transfer through blood contact with the patient such as : use of same needle, blood transfusion , etc.

How to prevent
To prevent it , we need to stop using the same needle , doing blood contact with people who suffer , etc.

How to cure

Until now there is no way to cure but there is a way to deactivate it , using LIMFOMA (a type of medicine used in khemotherapy) the Hiv virus was forced to get out of the cell t and deactivated by one more type of medicine  although it only deactivates , its good enough than dead without curing.

Saturday, 9 August 2014

the Ebola virus disease

The Ebola virus

The Ebola Virus was first found at Sudan and Congo in the 1976. The virus name is based on the Ebola river name located in Sudan and Congo. This virus have been silent for long time before it suddenly rises and create plague in the west African countries now.
This virus was identified first on fruit eating bats from the family pteropodidae and after a lot of observation and research by scientists , this bat is identified as the natural carrier
Of the Ebola virus . This virus is also found on gorillas , antelopes ,and porcupine.

Signs and symtoms
In the first fase  usually the virus shows the symptom of:

1.intestines area              :               diarrhea
2.stomach                           :                pain, vomiting
3.muscle                              :               weakness, aches
4.chest                                 :               chest pains
5. head                                 :               headache,red eyes
6.joints                                 :               aches

Treatment, vaccines ,and medicine for Ebola virus
Actually there is no specific treatment for  patient suffering Ebola but some liquid or something like that is given to the patient to extend their life. No vaccines is made for this virus
As this virus plague isn’t troubling people so much in the past.  No medicine have been made to cure this virus.

History of Ebola virus

In the early years of the discovery , this virus doesn’t really bugged the scientists to made some medicines or encourage people to stop this virus from spreading. Then the African people keep continue to
Consume bats of the family pteropodidae  and the get Ebola virus disease so then and so . but now in 2014 this virus have plague the west African countries and this make them started to do some prevention.


Name                    :               ebola
Type                      :               RNA virus
Source                  :               bats of the family pteropodidae

Attacks                 :               almost all part of our body

Wednesday, 28 May 2014


MERS-CoV  or Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus is a virus that  is attacking the middle east.This virusis first identificated on 2012 in Jordan,Oman ,kuwait,etc.this virus attacked our respiratory system and have made a lot of victim .This virus diagnostics:cough,shiver,fever,hard to breath.In Indonesia this virus is cred using reverse genetic,it is the same way to made the vaccine of H5N1 (bird flu).

this virus on 2012 diagnostics ,it has infected 530 people till now and almost 1/3 of them died.The scientists and doctors think of a way but they don't get it.then a hope came from hongkong ,the doctors and scientists there found isolated two monoklonal antibody that can neutralises the MERS-CoV.

Virus data

name                 : MERS-CoV
date found         :2012
from                  :middle east
infects               :respiratory system
from                  :between camel or bats
type                  :RNA virus
diagnosis            :cough,fever,shiver,hard to breath

What is HIV VIRUS?

the HIV virus is the virus that causes AIDS,the worst disease ever that couldn't be healed.This virus is a RNA virus . This virus attacks our white blood cell or our body defense system . This virus need 8 years time to infect our body and show the feature that you are infected by this virus.This virus has no cure for it but there is a medicine to prevent it from hurting too many white blood cell.

this virus is spread through unsafe sexual contact, using the same injection needle,blood contact such as: blood trasfusion,organ transplantation,etc.but don't worry !  I am thinking to made a microbot to kill the HIV virus.