Saturday, 27 September 2014

theory of relativity part 3

3. Lorentz Transformation
If you see a train with people inside walking with the same direction as the train. People may conclude that the total speed of the speed is equal to  people speed + train speed but actually it’s not that simple.(sorry i don't have the graph but just refer to the conclusion)

x=    (x'-yt ) x 𝜸
Z=Z                y=Y'                     𝜸=square root of 1-V square and C square

So the speed acquired Is

Lorentz length Contraction
Moving things look shorter but why? It’s because the light reflected by the thing is reflected by all part of things mainly things that is moving very fast . imagine sitting in a train with speed of  0.8 c so do you think you will see anything? The answer is yes or no, you can see the things inside by inside’s light but you can’t see things outside as no light can be reflected or arrive at your eye as you are relative to a train moving at 1c speed that makes all light that com to the train was dodged by the train because of its speed . Lorentz mathematically made this as

L=L0 x 𝜸 

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