Saturday 6 September 2014

THE HIV virus

HIV virus

The hiv virus have been troubling doctors and scientists for years . they have been finding its medicine for years, but all they found is deactivator of that virus . the deactivator only deactivates all visible  hiv viruses not the one in cell . so to understand WHY? We need to know more about hiv first

HIV virus is virus that attacks the human immune system mainly cell t . Cell t activates the other immune system so if cell t is inactive ,the immune system will be unavailable for war which make the patient easily suffer other disease. AIDS, the disease that HIV causes is very dangerous for every living thing as it destroy the immune system

How it attack
it attack the cell t , turns its RNA into DNA then when the cell t duplicates, it duplicates too so the more the hiv virus are in the body then it slowly eats the cell t from inside and destroy the cell . This happen until the system of immune is completely destroyed.

How it transfer
It transfer through blood contact with the patient such as : use of same needle, blood transfusion , etc.

How to prevent
To prevent it , we need to stop using the same needle , doing blood contact with people who suffer , etc.

How to cure

Until now there is no way to cure but there is a way to deactivate it , using LIMFOMA (a type of medicine used in khemotherapy) the Hiv virus was forced to get out of the cell t and deactivated by one more type of medicine  although it only deactivates , its good enough than dead without curing.

Saturday 9 August 2014

the Ebola virus disease

The Ebola virus

The Ebola Virus was first found at Sudan and Congo in the 1976. The virus name is based on the Ebola river name located in Sudan and Congo. This virus have been silent for long time before it suddenly rises and create plague in the west African countries now.
This virus was identified first on fruit eating bats from the family pteropodidae and after a lot of observation and research by scientists , this bat is identified as the natural carrier
Of the Ebola virus . This virus is also found on gorillas , antelopes ,and porcupine.

Signs and symtoms
In the first fase  usually the virus shows the symptom of:

1.intestines area              :               diarrhea
2.stomach                           :                pain, vomiting
3.muscle                              :               weakness, aches
4.chest                                 :               chest pains
5. head                                 :               headache,red eyes
6.joints                                 :               aches

Treatment, vaccines ,and medicine for Ebola virus
Actually there is no specific treatment for  patient suffering Ebola but some liquid or something like that is given to the patient to extend their life. No vaccines is made for this virus
As this virus plague isn’t troubling people so much in the past.  No medicine have been made to cure this virus.

History of Ebola virus

In the early years of the discovery , this virus doesn’t really bugged the scientists to made some medicines or encourage people to stop this virus from spreading. Then the African people keep continue to
Consume bats of the family pteropodidae  and the get Ebola virus disease so then and so . but now in 2014 this virus have plague the west African countries and this make them started to do some prevention.


Name                    :               ebola
Type                      :               RNA virus
Source                  :               bats of the family pteropodidae

Attacks                 :               almost all part of our body

Friday 1 August 2014


stroke is the narrowing of the arteries towards the brain that causes the oxygen to be undelivered to the brain which cause the brain to be lack of oxygen and ruin all nerves system that leads to death of the people who suffer stroke.

Stroke people must be handle quickly by professionals otherwise he/she will die or be in comma that leads to death

If the patient survive then it will be very hard to return normal as his nerves system have been ruined . It need years of retrain to reroute the nerves system

hearth attack

Heart attack is caused by the narrowing of corronary artery vessel which transports food to the heart. This narrowing causes the food supply to the heart become stopped and when the supply stops the heart that is lack of energy stop pumping and lead he/she to death.

If a people get heart attack the possibility to keep alive is only around 10% although they are handelled by the professional .

Atomic power

     atom , i guess you have known what is atom but if you haven't know let me tell you.

Atom is the smallest part of every object , 2 or more atom made up molecules . Atom are made up of kuarks .

Atomic power , its just an itsy bitsy thing is it very strong?

Eg. Nuclear is made up of just.      Uranium and plutonium but it can blow hiroshima .

So atom do have big powers eh?

According to Einstein even things with small mass could have very big energy . Just like the formula

E=MC square

Nuclear have big power because the uranium was impact by neutron that produce 3 neutron , barium and kripton . This process happened over and over until it produces lots of atom that can blow up the whole city .

Wednesday 30 July 2014



Ecology (from Greek: οἶκος, "house"; -λογία, "study of") is the scientific study of interactions among organisms and their environment, such as the interactions organisms have with each other and with their abioticenvironment. Topics of interest to ecologists include the diversity, distribution, amount (biomass), number (population) of organisms, as well as competition between them within and among ecosystems. Ecosystems are composed of dynamically interacting parts including organisms, the communities they make up, and the non-living components of their environment. Ecosystem processes, such as primary production, pedogenesisnutrient cycling, and various niche construction activities, regulate the flux of energy and matter through an environment. These processes are sustained by organisms with specific life history traits, and the variety of organisms is called biodiversity. Biodiversity, which refers to the varieties of speciesgenes, and ecosystems, enhances certain ecosystem services.
Ecology is an interdisciplinary field that includes biology and Earth science. The word "ecology" ("Ökologie") was coined in 1866 by the German scientist Ernst Haeckel (1834–1919). Ancient Greek philosophers such asHippocrates and Aristotle laid the foundations of ecology in their studies on natural history. Modern ecology transformed into a more rigorous science in the late 19th century. Evolutionary concepts on adaptation andnatural selection became cornerstones of modern ecological theory. Ecology is not synonymous with environment, environmentalism, natural history, or environmental science. It is closely related to evolutionary biology,genetics, and ethology. An understanding of how biodiversity affects ecological function is an important focus area in ecological studies. Ecologists seek to explain:
  • Life processes, interactions and adaptations
  • The movement of materials and energy through living communities
  • The successional development of ecosystems, and
  • The abundance and distribution of organisms and biodiversity in the context of the environment.
Ecology is a human science as well. There are many practical applications of ecology in conservation biology, wetland management, natural resource management (agroecologyagricultureforestryagroforestry,fisheries), city planning (urban ecology), community healtheconomicsbasic and applied science, and human social interaction (human ecology). For example, the Circles of Sustainability approach treats ecology as more than the environment 'out there'. It is not treated as separate from humans. Organisms (including humans) and resources compose ecosystems which, in turn, maintain biophysical feedback mechanisms that moderate processes acting on living (biotic) and nonliving (abiotic) components of the planet. Ecosystems sustain life-supporting functions and produce natural capital like biomass production (food, fuel, fiber and medicine), the regulation of climate, global biogeochemical cycleswater filtrationsoil formation, erosion control, flood protection and many other natural features of scientific, historical, economic, or intrinsic value.

Saturday 26 July 2014


Evolution is the change in the inherited characteristics of biological populations over successive generations. Evolutionary processes give rise to diversity at every level of biological organisation, including speciesindividual organisms and molecules such as DNA and proteins.[1]
All life on Earth is descended from a last universal ancestor that lived approximately 3.8 billion years ago. Repeated speciation and the divergence of life can be inferred from shared sets of biochemical and morphological traits, or by shared DNA sequences.[2] These homologous traits and sequences are more similar among species that share a more recent common ancestor, and can be used to reconstruct evolutionary histories, using both existing species and the fossil record. Existing patterns of biodiversity have been shaped both by speciation and by extinction.[3]
Charles Darwin was the first to formulate a scientific argument for the theory of evolution by means ofnatural selection. Evolution by natural selection is a process inferred from three facts about populations: 1) more offspring are produced than can possibly survive, 2) traits vary among individuals, leading to different rates of survival and reproduction, and 3) trait differences are heritable.[4]Thus, when members of a population die they are replaced by the progeny of parents betteradapted to survive and reproduce in the environment in which natural selection takes place. This process creates and preserves traits that are seemingly fitted for the functional roles they perform.[5] Natural selection is the only known cause of adaptation, but not the only known cause of evolution. Other, nonadaptive causes of evolution include mutation andgenetic drift.[6]
In the early 20th century, genetics was integrated with Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection through the discipline of population genetics. The importance of natural selection as a cause of evolution was accepted into other branches of biology. Moreover, previously held notions about evolution, such as orthogenesis and "progress" became obsolete.[7] Scientists continue to study various aspects of evolution by forming and testing hypotheses, constructing scientific theories, using observational data, and performing experiments in both the field and the laboratory. Biologists agree that descent with modification is one of the most reliably established facts in science.[8] Discoveries in evolutionary biology have made a significant impact not just within the traditional branches of biology, but also in other academic disciplines (e.g., anthropology and psychology) and on society at large.[9][10]